The portal de la vall
On the 19th January 2015 was inaugurated the “Portal de la Vall,” the visitor welcome centre of the Madriu-Perafita-Claror valley.
Located at c / Prat de la Creu 74-76, at the groudfloor of the Comú building, in Andorra la Vella, in this centre, on top of finding all the information about the valley, you will be able to see the documentary by Alex Tena and Jaume Riba on the Madriu-Perafita-Claror. You will also get the chance to sign up for any of the workshops held regularly.
If you would like to buy a souvenir, there’s also a wide range of merchandising for sale.
The opening hours of the Portal de la Vall are Monday to Friday, from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
You can request information by calling +(376) 823 000 or by email at portal@madriu-perafita-claror.ad
Entry is free of charge. See you there!
If you want to take a virtual tour, click on the picture: